We had a wonderful day starting with Vickie and Val visiting the Open Arms babies, which of course was a highlight. Some burst into tears just at the sight of us, but others toddled around us offering us toys. Of course, they were cute beyond words. It is so wonderful to see them interacting with the aunties, and they are very obviously attached to each other and thriving in their care. We watched as one of the little girls "helped" an auntie with her massages and exercises on one of the OA babies---she knew the drill! At the request of Dir. Su & Ms. Yi, we cannot post photos of the children on the internet but will include them in future newsletters which will be mailed.
At lunch time, we repeated last year's McDonald's outing with the 3-7 year olds. Of course, it was a just a riot. We enjoyed every second of it, as did the children. We piled into the van, all THIRTY-TWO of us in a twelve-passenger vehicle--it was the Zhanjiang Clown Car. What a blast watching the children experience the neighborhood and enjoying their cheeseburgers, fries, orange drinks, and ice cream cones! It was truly a highlight. Many of the kids remembered Vickie from last year, and call her Ayi Vickie. Of course at the end of the meal, 25 Happy Meal Toys were handed out to finish out our lunch. Huge sections of our hearts will stay behind when we go home, that's for sure.
After a brief rest, Ms. Yi welcomed the Physical Therapist team with a drive to DongHai Island, a scenic one hour drive from Zhanjiang City. This fishing boat had just been pushed up onto the beach by about thirty fishermen.
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